

Please visit the NSW DoE AgSkilled site for up-to-date information.

Please send an email to TSNSWAgSkilled@det.nsw.edu.au for any questions and/or concerns

AgSkilled is an $18million NSW Government funded industry led workforce development strategy.

AgSkilled seeks to upskill NSW’s plant production and livestock industries to manage the challenges of the future.  

Current, relevant and flexible, AgSkilled funded training is tailored and delivered to suit the specific needs of your industry, and can be adjusted to suit students with a range of skills and experience.  


AgSkilled 3.0 Industries










Course Categories

AgSkilled’s Mission

  • Attract, develop and retain a productive workforce to underpin continued growth of the plant production and livestock agricultural industries in NSW, 

  • Support primary producers and their workforce to develop production, technology, business and safety skills to increase farm productivity and profitability,  

  • Develop industry capacity to adopt new technologies and sustainable farming practices, 

  • Support career progression, entry pathways and employment outcomes across the wider agricultural industry and regional NSW economy 

  • Leverage research and development in the identified agricultural industry sectors to ensure training is relevant, current and meets industry needs.  


Training Events List



Q: Is the training fee-free?

Yes, our courses are fully subsidised by the NSW Government, subject to eligibility.
All applications to access a funded training place are assessed on a case by case basis.

Q: How do I access the funding?

The Registered Training Organisation delivering your training will apply for funding on your behalf. They may need to ask you to provide some form of supporting documentation (for example you might be asked to complete an application form) to support their application for funding.
Training cannot be funded retrospectively and only select training providers are approved to access AgSkilled funding. For a list of AgSkilled training providers visit click here.
For a list of courses coming up in your region visit the events list.

Q: Where are the courses being delivered?

Courses are delivered across New South Wales, subject to interest.
AgSkilled aims to support training delivery in the regional and remote locations that best suit our producers.
Most courses can be delivered anywhere in NSW, for a list of scheduled courses, visit Events List or if you’d like to request a specific course in your region please Get in Touch.
A number of courses are also available online.

Q: How do I know if I’m eligible for the funded training?

AgSkilled 2.0 training has a strong on-farm focus. Funded training is to those with a genuine interest in NSW’s plant production and livestock sectors, such as being a producer, farm staff, contractor, industry professional or those seeking employment in the sector.
In addition, participants must meet the standard Smart and Skilled eligibility criteria:

  • 15 years old or over
  • no longer at school
  • live or work in NSW
  • an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder or New Zealand citizen

All applications are assessed on a case by case basis.

Q: Can I request funding for courses that aren’t listed?

AgSkilled is an opportunity for industry and training provider collaboration to develop and deliver new, relevant courses to meet industry need. The courses listed on the website are a starting point for the program and we expect the course list to continue to grow over the next three years as new courses are developed to meet industry training needs.
Please contact us to discuss additional training needs.



Social Media


Industry Partners

Together, they guide the AgSkilled strategy through their roles on the AgSkilled Steering Committee.



Contact us

Please reach out to discuss how we can assist you - Thank you!
